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Procrastination can be defined as unnecessarily delaying or avoiding completing a task, despite the negative impacts of not following through. But why do we procrastinate, what tasks to we procrastinate, and how can we stop?

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Difficult Conversations

We have all felt the discomfort of having difficult conversations. It’s not something that any of us particularly look forward to, but we understand that it’s sometimes simply unavoidable. Fortunately, there are steps we can take.

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Perinatal Mental Health

Perinatal mental health refers to the emotional wellbeing of a parent during pregnancy until one year after childbirth. This period represents a transitional life stage that can be associated with increased vulnerability to experiencing mental health condition.

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Brain-Gut Connection

Good brain-gut connection, or good vagal tone, can reduce symptoms of numerous health conditions, such as mood and anxiety disorders. Luckily for us, there are ways we can enhance the connection between our brain and gut to support our wellbeing.

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Positive Workplace Culture

Workplace culture may be best understood as the values, norms, customs, and beliefs that inform the behaviours, actions, and choices of those working. Workplace culture is impacted by all staff, from executives to frontline personnel.

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Anger Management

Everyone feels angry from time to time. It is a normal and natural response to vexacious or difficult situations. It is typically characterised by feelings of stress, frustration, and irritation, often associated with a sense of injustice and/or lack of control.

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The Window of Tolerance

The Window of Tolerance describes the optimal zone of arousal in which a person can function and navigate their daily stressors most effectively. When sitting within this optimal zone, individuals are calm yet alert and clearly focused on what they are doing.

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Influence of Friendships

Forming and sustaining positive and healthy friendships throughout life is an important factor towards our overall health and wellbeing. Spending quality time with friends is not just fun, but is also known to produce an array of long-term physical and emotional benefits.

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The Third Space

The transition between work life and home life is something that does not always come naturally to people. It can leave us with an endless domino effect, with each transition carrying over and impacting upon the next. So how can we create a break in this cycle?

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