Latest Resources

Flourishing in the New Year

As we enter a new year, we find ourselves in a space where we can finally catch our breath and take stock of the previous. For many of us, there will be a strong desire and drive to shift gear from surviving to flourishing (and even thriving).

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Setting Boundaries

Boundary-setting is a vital skill that ensures healthy work, romantic, family, and platonic relationships. We are often never taught how to set boundaries, or even told that they are important. But without effective boundaries, unhealthy or toxic relationships can develop.

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Holiday Handbook

December is here, and with it, festive celebrations. For many, the end of the year is a time for celebration. But for others it can be a time of heightened stress and anxiety. With an overwhelming number of commitments, many of us may also forget to check in with ourselves.

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Burnout is the result of excessive and chronic stress that has not been successfully managed. Burnout often stems from work; however, over the past 18 months, many people are reporting symptoms of burnout after extended periods of lockdown.

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Better Mind Better Me

When it comes to achieving change in ourselves, we tend to focus on our external environment. However, there are four key pillars that we can look at that are fundamental in maintaining our overall mental health and wellbeing.

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R U OK? Day

R U OK? Day is a national suicide prevention initiative developed in 2009 that encourages us to act and ask, “Are you okay?” to anyone who might be struggling with life. This year, we are all being encouraged to ask: “Are they really okay?”

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Is it Stress or is it Anxiety?

There is a fine line between stress and anxiety, with similar symptoms experienced. Stress and anxiety are your body’s natural ‘flight or fight’ response to danger, ensuring we are alert, focused, and ready to respond to the perceived threat.

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Diverse and Inclusive Workplaces

A diverse and inclusive workplace recognises the inherent value each person brings to the workplace. It is a workplace where everyone can contribute and feel included. Diversity and inclusion often are used interchangeably, but what do they actually mean?

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LGBTIQA+ Inclusivity

The acronym LGBTIQA+ is ever growing and evolving, that stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, queer/questioning and asexual. It is an inclusive term that includes all people in the queer community.

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